August 13, 2013

Nepal-04: Teaching Days

School education in Nepal is called 10+2 system that consists of primary level of 5 years, lower secondary level of 3 years, secondary level of 2 years and higher secondary level of 2 years. However, all students take the examination called School Leaving Certificate (SLC) which is organized by government all over the country simultaneously in the end of secondary school. And this exam is the first milestone of schooling for Nepalese students.

August 1, 2013

Nepal-03: Becoming a Teacher

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in Asia. The population is about 30 million and total average age is 22 years. That means the number of children has been rapidly increasing over decades. The more children are there, the more education becomes competitive. In fact, there are so many schools including private ones in Nepal especially around major cities. Therefore, the school attendance ratio of children is not as low as before. But there is a huge gap between government schools and private schools in the quality of education. Environment of government schools is much worse than private’s, but there is no choice for poor families besides putting their children into free government schools.